Publications from

                            Oliver Drzyzga



1. DRZYZGA, O. (1992): Isolierung und Charakterisierung von marinen sulfat-

reduzierenden Bakterien unter Berücksichtigung des anaeroben Aromatenabbaus.

(engl.: Isolation and characterization of marine sulfate-reducing bacteria under

consideration of the anaerobic degradation of aromatic compounds).

Diploma thesis; Library of the Carl von Ossietzky - Universität Oldenburg, Germany.

2. DRZYZGA, O., J. Küver, K.-H. Blotevogel (1993): Complete oxidation of benzoate and

4- hydroxybenzoate by a new sulfate-reducing bacterium resembling Desulfoarculus.

Archives of Microbiology, 159:109-113.

3. DRZYZGA, O., S. Jannsen, K.-H. Blotevogel (1994): Mineralization of monofluorobenzoate

by a diculture under sulfate-reducing conditions. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 116:215-219.

4. Gorontzy, T., O. DRZYZGA, M. W. Kahl, D. Bruns-Nagel, J. Breitung, E. von Löw, K.-H. Blotevogel

(1994): Microbial degradation of explosives and related compounds.

Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 20:265-284.

5. DRZYZGA, O., T. Gorontzy, A. Schmidt, K.-H. Blotevogel (1995): Toxicity of explosives and

related compounds to the luminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri NRRL-B-11177.

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 28:229-235.

6. DRZYZGA, O., S. Jannsen, K.-H. Blotevogel (1995): Toxicity of diphenylamine and some of its

nitrated and aminated derivatives to the luminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri.

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 31:149-152.

7. DRZYZGA, O., A. Schmidt, K.-H. Blotevogel (1995): Reduction of nitrated diphenylamine

derivatives under anaerobic conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 61:3282-3287.

8. DRZYZGA, O. (1996): Transformation und Abbau von Diphenylamin und Nitrodiphenylaminen

aus Rüstungsaltlasten durch anaerobe Bakterien. (engl.: Transformation and degradation of

diphenylamine and nitrodiphenylamines from ammunition waste by anaerobic bacteria).

Dissertation; Library of the Carl von Ossietzky - Universität Oldenburg, Germany.

9. DRZYZGA, O., A. Schmidt, K.-H. Blotevogel (1996): Cometabolic transformation and cleavage

of nitrodiphenylamines by three newly isolated sulfate-reducing bacterial strains.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62:1710-1716.

10. Blotevogel, K.-H., O. DRZYZGA, T. Gorontzy (1997): Fate of nitroaromatics derived from

explosives in anoxic environments. In: Alleman, B.C. and A. Leeson (eds.) In Situ and

On-Site Bioremediation, 4 (2):39. Battelle Press, Columbus, USA.

11. Gorontzy, T., T. Raber, D. Bruns-Nagel, O. DRZYZGA, K.-H. Blotevogel (1997): Transformation

of the explosive TNT by Clostridia. In: Alleman, B.C. and A. Leeson (eds.) In Situ and

On-Site Bioremediation, 4 (2):49-52. Battelle Press, Columbus, USA.

12. DRZYZGA, O.,  K.-H. Blotevogel (1997): Microbial degradation of diphenylamine under anoxic

conditions. Current Microbiology, 35:343-347.

13. Bruns-Nagel, D., O. DRZYZGA, K. Steinbach, T.C. Schmidt, E. von Löw, T. Gorontzy, K.-H.

Blotevogel, D. Gemsa (1998): Anaerobic/aerobic composting of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene-contaminated

soil in a reactor system. Environmental Science and Technology, 32:1676-1679.

14. Bruns-Nagel, D., H. Knicker, O. DRZYZGA, B. Casper, K. Steinbach, E. von Löw (1998):

Aufklärung der Humifizierung von TNT mittels stabiler Isotope und NMR-Analytik. (engl.: Elucidation

of the humification of TNT using stable isotope and NMR analysis). In: Umweltbundesamt - Projektträger

des BMBF (eds.) Verbundvorhaben Langzeit- und  Remobilisierungsverhalten von Schadstoffen

(engl.: conserted project of long-time and remobilization behaviour of pollutants). ISBN 3-88135-323-2; pp. F1-F16.

15. DRZYZGA, O., D. Bruns-Nagel, T. Gorontzy, K.-H. Blotevogel, D. Gemsa, E. von Löw (1998):

Incorporation of 14C-labeled 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) metabolites into different soil fractions

after anaerobic and anaerobic-aerobic treatment of soil/molasses mixtures. Environmental

Science and Technology; 32:3529-3535.

16. Bruns-Nagel, D., E. von Löw, O. DRZYZGA, B. Casper, K. Steinbach (1998): Aerobe und

anaerob-aerobe Behandlung von TNT-kontaminierten Böden vom Standort "Tanne". (engl.: Aerobic

and anaerobic/aerobic treatment of TNT-contaminated soil from the polluted site "Tanne").

In: Verbundvorhaben Biologische Sanierung von Rüstungsaltlasten, (engl.: conserted project of biological

remediation of ammunition waste).Tagungsband zum 4. Statusseminar am 07. Mai 1998 in Clausthal-Zeller-

feld (Germany) , Editor: Umweltbundesamt (Berlin, Germany), Fachgebiet III 3.6; pp. C1-C20.

17. DRZYZGA, O., D. Bruns-Nagel, T. Gorontzy, K.-H. Blotevogel, D. Gemsa, E. von Löw (1998):

Mass balance studies using 14C-labeled 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) mediated by an anaerobic

Desulfovibrio species and an aerobic Serratia species. Current Microbiology, 37:380-386.

18. Bruns-Nagel, D., T.C. Schmidt, O. DRZYZGA, E. von Löw, K. Steinbach (1999): Identification of

oxidized TNT metabolites in soil samples of a former ammunition plant. Environmental Science

and Pollution Research, 6:7-10.

19. DRZYZGA, O., D. Bruns-Nagel, T. Gorontzy, K.-H. Blotevogel, E. von Löw (1999): Anaerobic

incorporation of the radiolabeled explosive TNT and metabolites into the organic soil matrix

of contaminated soil after different treatment procedures. Chemosphere, 38:2081-2095.

20. Knicker, H., D. Bruns-Nagel, O. DRZYZGA, E. von Löw, K. Steinbach (1999): Characterization

of 15N-TNT residues after an anaerobic/aerobic treatment of soil/molasses mixtures by

solid-state 15N NMR spectroscopy. 1. Determination and optimization of relevant NMR

spectroscopic parameters. Environmental Science and Technology, 33:343-349.

21. Bruns-Nagel, D., S. Scheffer, B. Casper, H. Garn, O. DRZYZGA, E. von Löw, D. Gemsa (1999):

Effect of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene and its metabolites on human monocytes.

Environmental Science and Technology, 33:2566-2570.

22. DRZYZGA, O. (1999): Umweltrelevanz von Diphenylamin - Ein Stoff der 3. EU-Altstoff-

prioritätenliste. (engl.: Environmental relevance of diphenylamine; a compound from the

3rd.  European list of priority pollutants).  UWSF - Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie,


23. Gottschal, J.C., J. Krooneman, J. Gerritse, O. DRZYZGA (1999): The role of environmental

conditions and biotic interactions between microbial species in degradation of chlorinated

pollutants. In: Proceedings of the 9th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB9), Brussels

(Belgium), 11-15 July 1999; on CD-ROM, 7 pages.

24. Bruns-Nagel, D., H. Knicker, O. DRZYZGA, R. Winterberg, E. von Löw, K. Steinbach (1999):

Humification of nitroaromatics. In: Proceedings of the 9th European Congress on Biotechnology

(ECB9), Brussels (Belgium), 11-15 July 1999; on CD-ROM, ECB9/2230B.

25. DRZYZGA, O., J. Gerritse, J. Krooneman, J.C. Gottschal (1999): Dechlorination in anoxic and

micro-oxic environments: some ecophysiological considerations. In: Schriftenreihe Biologische

Abwasserreinigung 12; "Treatment of wastewaters with halogenated organic compounds".

Colloquium of the SFB 193, TU Berlin (Germany), 15./16. November 1999; ISBN 3-7983-1800-X,

pp. 85-105.

26. Gerritse, J., O. DRZYZGA, G. Kloetstra, M. Keijmel, L.P. Wiersum, R. Hutson, M.D. Collins, J.C.

Gottschal (1999): Influence of different electron donors and acceptors on dehalorespiration of

tetrachloroethene by Desulfitobacterium frappieri TCE1.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 65: 5212-5221.

27. Bruns-Nagel, D., H. Knicker, O. DRZYZGA, U. Bütehorn, K. Steinbach, D. Gemsa, E. von Löw

(2000): Characterization of 15N-TNT residues after an anaerobic/aerobic treatment of soil /

molasses mixtures by solid-state 15N NMR spectroscopy. 2. Systematic investigation of

whole soil and different humic fractions. Environmental Science and Technology, 34:1549-1556.

28. DRZYZGA, O., P. van der Zee, J. C. Gottschal (2000): Bioremediation of chloroethene- and

nickel-contaminated soil in anoxic soil columns. In: Proceedings of the international congress

on "Implementation of in-situ remediation techniques (Chlorinated solvents and heavy metals)",

D. A. J. Buck, M. J. Lexmond, P. W. M. van Mullekom (eds.), Utrecht (The Netherlands),

09./10. October 2000; pp. 37-40.

29. Moore, E. R. B., A. Waliczek, C. Strömpl, O. DRZYZGA, J. C. Gottschal, R. Weller (2000):

Molecular analysis of anaerobic dehalogenating species and bacterial community dynamics

in PCE- and TCE-contaminated soil. In: Proceedings of the international congress on

"Implementation of in-situ remediation techniques (Chlorinated solvents and heavy metals)",

D. A. J. Buck, M. J. Lexmond, P. W. M. van Mullekom (eds.), Utrecht (The Netherlands),

09./10. October 2000; pp. 27-32.

30. Kuever, J., M. Koenneke, A. Galushko, O. DRZYZGA (2001): Reclassification of Desulfo-

bacterium phenolicum as Desulfobacula phenolica, comb. nov. and description of strain SaxT

as Desulfotignum balticum gen. nov., sp. nov.

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 51:171-177.

31. DRZYZGA, O., J. Gerritse, J. Dijk, H. Elissen, J.C. Gottschal (2001): Coexistence of a sulfate-

reducing Desulfovibrio species and the dehalorespiring Desulfitobacterium frappieri TCE1 in

defined chemostat cultures grown with various combinations of sulfate and tetrachloroethene.

Environmental Microbiology, 3:92-99.

32. DRZYZGA, O., J.C. Gottschal (2002): Tetrachloroethene dehalorespiration and growth of

Desulfitobacterium frappieri TCE1 in strict dependence on the activity of Desulfovibrio

fructosivorans. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68:642-649.

33. Blotevogel, K.-H., T. Gorontzy, T. Raber, O. DRZYZGA, M. Kahl, U. Neubauer, M. Kleinschmidt,

A. Carstens (2002): Anaerobe Extraktion in Perkolationssäulen (TV 3.1.2). (engl.: Anaerobic extraction

in percolator columns). In: Michels, J., T. Track, U. Gehrke, and D. Sell (Eds.) Leitfaden Biologische

Verfahren zur Bodensanierung. (engl.: Guide of biological procedures for soil remediation.

Umweltbundesamt Berlin (Hrsg.); Chapter 9.2.3, on CD-ROM, pp. 1-29.

34. von Löw, E., D. Bruns-Nagel, O. DRZYZGA, J. Fründt, B. Casper, K. Steinbach (2002): Aerob und

anaerob-aerobe Behandlung von TNT-kontaminierten Böden vom Standort "Werk Tanne"

(TV 3.1.1). (engl.: Aerobic and anaerobic-aerobic treatment of TNT-contaminated soil from the pollued

site "Werk Tanne").  In: Michels, J., T. Track, U. Gehrke, and D. Sell (Eds.) Leitfaden Biologische Verfahren

zur Bodensanierung. (engl.: Guide of biological procedures for soil remediation.  

Umweltbundesamt Berlin (Hrsg.); Chapter 9.2.2, on CD-ROM, pp. 1-43.

35. DRZYZGA, O., R. El Mamouni, S. N. Agathos, J.C. Gottschal (2002): Dehalogenation of

chlorinated ethenes and immobilization of nickel in anaerobic sediment columns under

sulfidogenic conditions. Environmental Science and Technology, 36:2630-2635.

36. Bruns-Nagel, D., H. Knicker, O. DRZYZGA, E. von Löw, K. Steinbach, D. Gemsa (2002):

"Humification of Nitroaromatics." In: Agathos, S.N. and W. Reineke, (Eds.) Biotechnology for

the Environment: Soil Remediation. Focus on Biotechnology Series, Volume 3B, Kluwer

Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands; ISBN 1-4020-1051-6; pp. 103-111.

37. DRZYZGA, O., J. Krooneman, J. Gerritse, J.C. Gottschal (2002): "The role of environmental

conditions and biotic interactions between microbial species in degradation of chlorinated

pollutants." In: Agathos, S.N. and W. Reineke, (Eds.) Biotechnology for the Environment:

Strategy and fundamentals. Focus on Biotechnology Series, Volume 3A, Kluwer Academic

Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands; ISBN 1-4020-0529-6; pp. 169-175.

38. DRZYZGA, O. (2003): Diphenylamine and derivatives in the environment: a review.

Chemosphere, 53: 809-818.

39. DRZYZGA, O. (2004): Bakterielle Elimination von Fremdstoffen mit hohem Elektronendefizit am

Beispiel des Explosivstoffes TNT und des Lösungsmittels PCE und ihre Bedeutung für die mikro-

biologische Sanierung. (engl.: Bacterial elimination of compounds with high electron deficiency with

the examples of TNT (trinitrotoluene) and PCE (perchloroethene) and the relevance of microbiological

remediation). Habilitation thesis; Library of the University of Bremen, Germany.

40. Dröge, S. , U. Limper, F. Emtiazi, I. Schönig, N. Pavlus, O. DRZYZGA, U. Fischer, H. König (2005):

In vitro and in vivo sulfate reduction in the gut contents of the termite Mastotermes darwiniensis

and the rose-chafer Pachnoda marginata. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 51:57-64.

41. Kuever, J., M. Könneke, A. Galushko, O. DRZYZGA (2005): Desulfotignum. In: Garrity, G., Brenner,

D.J., Krieg, N.R., and Staley, J.T. (eds.), Bergey´s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd. Edition,

Vol. 2: The Proteobacteria (Part C), pp. 987-988; Springer New York; ISBN: 978-0-387-24145-6.

42. Navarro Llorens, J. M., O. DRZYZGA, J. Perera (2008): Molecular analysis of phenylacetate

catabolism in Arthrobacter oxydans CECT 386. Archives of Microbiology, 190:89-100.

43. DRZYZGA, O., J. M. Navarro Llorens, L. Fernández de las Heras, E. García Fernández, J. Perera

(2009): Gordonia cholesterolivorans sp. nov., a cholesterol-degrading actinomycete isolated

from sewage sludge. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 59:1011-1015.

44. Fernández de las Heras, L., E. García Fernández, J. M. Navarro Llorens, J. Perera, O. DRZYZGA

(2009):  Morphological, physiological and molecular characterization of a newly isolated steroid-

degrading actinomycete, identified as Rhodococcus ruber strain Chol-4. Current Microbiology,


45. DRZYZGA, O. (2009): "Sludge bacteria prove apt at degrading cholesterol". Microbe, 7:313.

46. Fernández de las Heras, L., V.  Mascaraque, E. García Fernández, J. M. Navarro Llorens, J. Perera,

O. DRZYZGA (2011): ChoG is the main inducible extracellular cholesterol oxidase of Rhodococcus sp.

strain CECT3014.  Microbiological Research, 166:403-418.

47. DRZYZGA, O., L. Fernández de las Heras, V.  Morales, J. M. Navarro Llorens, J. Perera (2011):

Cholesterol degradation by Gordonia cholesterolivorans. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,


48. Fernández de las Heras, L., R. van der Geize, O. DRZYZGA, J. Perera, J. M. Navarro Llorens (2012):

Molecular characterization of three 3-ketosteroid delta1-dehydrogenase isoenzymes of Rhodococcus

ruber strain Chol-4. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 132:271-281.

49. DRZYZGA, O. (2012): The strenghts and the weaknesses of Gordonia: A review of an emerging genus

with increasing biotechnological potential.  Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 38:300-316.

50. DRZYZGA, O., A. Prieto, E. Díaz, J. L. García  (2013): Waste Conversion Technologies: Bioplastics from

Syngas Fermentation. G.I.T. Laboratory Journal Europe, Vol. 17 (Issue 7-8):14-15.

51. DRZYZGA, O. (2013): Bioplastic compounds produced in cell factories. CommNet 2013 Innovation

Catalogue, 2:24-25.

52.  DRZYZGA, O., A. Prieto, J. L. García et al. (2014): Next generation chemical building blocks and bioplastics.

Bioplastics Magazine, 9(5):28-30.

53. DRZYZGA, O., O. Revelles, G. Durante-Rodríguez, E. Díaz, J. L. García, A. Prieto (2015): New challenges for syngas fermentation:

towards production of biopolymers. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology; 90:1735-1751.

54. Wierckx, N., T. Narancic, C. Eberlein, R. Wei, O. DRZYZGA, A. Magnin, H. Ballerstedt, S. Kenny, E. Pollet, L. Avérous, K. E. O’Connor,

W. Zimmermann, H. J. Heipieper, A. Prieto, J. Jiménez, L. M. Blank (2018): Plastic biodegradation: challenges and opportunities.

Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Series. Consequences of Microbial Interaction with Hydrocarbons, Oils and Lipids:

Biodegradation and Bioremediation (Robert Steffan (Ed.); Springer, Cham); DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44535-9_23-1

55. DRZYZGA, O. and A. Prieto. Plastic waste management, a matter for the "community" (2019). Microbial Biotechnology, 12(1):66-68.